Featured Producer: Lamberti
February 14, 2018
Established in 1964, The House of Lamberti stands on the shores of Lake Garda in the Veneto region of northern Italy. The House of Lamberti is named after one of Verona’s oldest families, whose name graces the famous tower in the city’s Piazza delle Erbe.
“Lamberti is a champion of wines with impressive quality that are approachable in price.” — GAMBERO ROSSO’S ALMANACO DEL BEREBENE 2006 (GUIDE TO DRINKING WELL)
“Lamberti occupies a leading position in the highly prestigious wine-producing area of Verona. Innovation and a focus on premium quality wines are key to this success.” — ITALIAN SOMMELIER ASSOCIATION (A.I.S.) GUIDA DUEMILAVINI 2007
“Lamberti is a historic winery celebrated for being the first to understand the needs of an evolving wine market and to have found the right formula to re-launch and bring prestige back to the classic wines of the Veneto region.” — LUCA MARONI, VINI ITALIANI 2008
Throughout the property are many Santepietre, or “Holy Stones,” traditional, low, stone walls that divide many old vineyards found in the Veneto. These walls were built with stones from nearby Lake Garda.
Learn more about Lamberti